
Lectures / Seminars

    Prof. Thomas D. Anthopoulos 

    Department of Physics and Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London, Blackett Laboratory, London, UK

    in a lecture entitled:

    "New materials and fabrication paradigms for plastic electronics"

    Department of Advanced Materials auditorium (Building #8),

    Wednesday 20th of November 2013 at 11.a.m.


    Professor Rebecca Deprez - Poulain Pr PhD MRSC


    INSERM U761 Biostructures And Drug Discovery


    Universite De Lille 2 - Pasteur Institute Lille


    “Hydroxamates as tools for the target validation of metalloproteases:

    Applications To malarial PfAM1 And human Insulin-Degrading Enzyme”


    Wednesday 30rd of October at 12:00 pm,


    IPC auditorium


    The lecture is organized by the Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety (I.N.RA.S.T.E.S.) and Dr. E. Stratikos


    29/07/2013 Opening For a PhD studentship (Greek Version)



    17/01/2014 Opening For an Experienced Researcher/Fellow for MARIE CURIE SANAD project

    29/07/2013 Opening For a PhD studentship (Greek Version)

    15/07/2012 Opening For a PhD studentship

    15/07/2012 Opening For Post Doctoral Position

    06/06/2012 Opening For Synthetic Chemistry Post Doctoral Associate

    06/06/2012 Opening For Post Doctoral Associate on Carbon Nanomaterials

    06/06/2012 Opening For Synthetic Chemistry PhD Studentship


    Intenational Workshop | 31 October - 3 November 2011
    Macromolecular crystal growth and optimisation methods

    Workshop Program



    Photochemistry and Applications in Photoactivable Anticancer Drugs

    Bologna, September 26 – 28, 2011



    October 11 of 2010 :

    The Institute of Physical Chemistry actively participates in the establishment of the European Photocatalysis Federation and the coordination of the corresponding research activities in Greece.



    The 6th Summer School on Methods in Micro-Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology will be held in Athens, Greece September 13 - 17, 2010.  

    The Summer School is co-organized by the Institutes of Physical Chemistry, Microelectronics,  Radioisotopes & Radiodiagnostic Products and Materials Science,  NCSR Demokritos, in collaboration with the Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens.

    The Summer School  is co-sponsored by the project, Marie Curie ITN CYCLON  ( )  coordinated by the  Institute of Physical Chemistry.

    Special Events


    Institute of Physical Chemistry

    Institute of Physical Chemistry

    Hiskia Anastasia - CYANOWATER Project
    Article Index
    Hiskia Anastasia
    CYANOWATER Project
    Page 3
    Page 4
    All Pages

    Cyanotoxins in Fresh Waters, Advances in Analysis, Occurrence and Treatment

    Action "ARISTEIA" - Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Project No:2455




    CYANOWATER Activities

    Research Team

    Journal Publications
    Conference Publications

    Related Activities
    Job Advertisements


    CYANOWATER project aims in filling research gaps and achieving breakthrough results in (a) Development of advanced analytical methods for emerging cyanotoxins (CTs) and for simultaneous analysis of different groups of CTs, (b) Identification of the toxin-producing cyanobacteria species in freshwater bodies and (c) Development of novel advanced oxidation processes for the detoxification of water contaminated with CTs.

    The strong ties and close collaboration of the CYANOWATER research team with leading research partners and water supply companies will permit technology transfer and direct and strong beneficial impacts for the international research community involved in this field but also important societal and economic impacts at a national, European and international level.

    Aim and Objectives

    The main aim of the CYANOWATER project is to fill current research gaps in the areas of cyanotoxin analysis in environmental samples, the presence of toxin producing cyanobacteria and their cyanotoxins in freshwater ecosystems and advanced methods of water treatment for cyanotoxins removal. The expected results of the project will considerably benefit the international scientific community in this field of research:

    • Advanced methods of analysis that will be sensitive, accurate, and fast and also target many toxins of different groups in “one run” will enhance the capabilities of researchers as well as water and public health authorities to better assess and control the associated risks.
    • Investigations for the presence of cyanotoxins and the producing cyanobacterial species in freshwater ecosystems that were never studied before, will contribute to a better understanding of the behavior of these microorganisms, their tendency to invade or adapt to new environments with the concomitant release of toxins, some of them being new and emerging in the European region.
    • Studies on advanced oxidation processes for the detoxification of water contaminated with cyanotoxins will provide further effective and efficient tools for water utilities and authorities to eliminate public health risks associated with the consumption of cyanotoxins.

    Another secondary objective of the Nanomaterial Based Catalytic - Photocatalytic Processes and Environmental Analysis Laboratory (NCPP-EAL) is to keep in the edge of this field of research at an international level. NCPP-EAL is the first research laboratory in Greece to be involved in cyanotoxins research since 2005 and currently the only research group in Greece in the field with significant contributions through published papers and collaborations in Greece, Europe and USA. NCPP-EAL is planning to establish itself as a national reference laboratory for cyanotoxin analysis, by extending its scope of accreditation (ISO 17025) as well as a national focal point for cyanotoxins research.

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    In order to achieve the aims and objectives of the Cyanowater project, research tasks are split into four distinct Work Packages (WPs) that are interconnected and interrelated as shown below.


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     Research Team

    Principal Investigator

    Dr. Anastasia Hiskia


    PhD Students

    Sevasti Zervou

    Korina Manolidi

    Postdoctoral Researchers

    Dr. Theodoros Triantis

    Dr. Christophoros Christophoridis

    Dr. Theodora Fotiou

    Research Collaborators (External) 

    Dr. Triantafyllos Kaloudis

    Prof. Dionysios Dionysiou

    Prof. Maria Moustaka - Gouni

    Prof. Konstantinos Kormas

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