
Lectures / Seminars

    Prof. Thomas D. Anthopoulos 

    Department of Physics and Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London, Blackett Laboratory, London, UK

    in a lecture entitled:

    "New materials and fabrication paradigms for plastic electronics"

    Department of Advanced Materials auditorium (Building #8),

    Wednesday 20th of November 2013 at 11.a.m.


    Professor Rebecca Deprez - Poulain Pr PhD MRSC


    INSERM U761 Biostructures And Drug Discovery


    Universite De Lille 2 - Pasteur Institute Lille


    “Hydroxamates as tools for the target validation of metalloproteases:

    Applications To malarial PfAM1 And human Insulin-Degrading Enzyme”


    Wednesday 30rd of October at 12:00 pm,


    IPC auditorium


    The lecture is organized by the Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety (I.N.RA.S.T.E.S.) and Dr. E. Stratikos


    29/07/2013 Opening For a PhD studentship (Greek Version)



    17/01/2014 Opening For an Experienced Researcher/Fellow for MARIE CURIE SANAD project

    29/07/2013 Opening For a PhD studentship (Greek Version)

    15/07/2012 Opening For a PhD studentship

    15/07/2012 Opening For Post Doctoral Position

    06/06/2012 Opening For Synthetic Chemistry Post Doctoral Associate

    06/06/2012 Opening For Post Doctoral Associate on Carbon Nanomaterials

    06/06/2012 Opening For Synthetic Chemistry PhD Studentship


    Intenational Workshop | 31 October - 3 November 2011
    Macromolecular crystal growth and optimisation methods

    Workshop Program



    Photochemistry and Applications in Photoactivable Anticancer Drugs

    Bologna, September 26 – 28, 2011



    October 11 of 2010 :

    The Institute of Physical Chemistry actively participates in the establishment of the European Photocatalysis Federation and the coordination of the corresponding research activities in Greece.



    The 6th Summer School on Methods in Micro-Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology will be held in Athens, Greece September 13 - 17, 2010.  

    The Summer School is co-organized by the Institutes of Physical Chemistry, Microelectronics,  Radioisotopes & Radiodiagnostic Products and Materials Science,  NCSR Demokritos, in collaboration with the Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens.

    The Summer School  is co-sponsored by the project, Marie Curie ITN CYCLON  ( )  coordinated by the  Institute of Physical Chemistry.

    Special Events


    Institute of Physical Chemistry

    Institute of Physical Chemistry

    Laboratory for Environmental Analysis - Services


    Contamination of water supplies with organic pollutants such as PAHs, PCBs and cyanotoxins is one of the most important global problems. Recent EU Directives propose the determination of these target pollutants in drinking and surface water and set their maximum concentration. Resulting from the above, it is mandatory to monitor these analytes using appropriate methods. The availability of rapid, reliable screening method is prerequisite when a large number of samples must be analyzed, but on the other hand there is an urgent need of a confirmatory method for the analysis of these contaminants which belong to the priority pollutants list. Disadvantages of conventional methods of analysis can be overcome by using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). In the frame of the accreditation of our laboratory in PAHs determination in potable and surface water by using LC/MS/MS it has been funded (2005-2009) by Antagonistikotita (Ministry of Development) with 311.3 KEuro. This will upgrade the instrumentation of our laboratory (HPLC/UV-Vis or FL or CD, IC, GC/ECD or FID and GC/MS), mainly by the purchase of the LC/MS/MS analytical device and will give new opportunity to our research and service activities. The Environmental Analysis Laboratory has been accredited by ESYD (N. of Accreditation 580) on 17/7/2009.

    Current interests of our Laboratory are focused into the following:

    ·   Method Development for the determination of toxic pollutants in trace level in water, foodstuff and environmental samples (pesticides, PCBs, PBRBs, chlorophenols, PAHs, BTX, VOCs, drug residues, cyanotoxins, organic halides)

    ·   Method Development for the determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in water and Organic Halides in foodstuff (honey) by Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) in combination with GC/ECD and GC/MS.

    ·   Method Development for the determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in potable and surface water by using LC/MS/MS.

    ·   Method Development for the determination and identification of cyanotoxins in surface and drinking water by using SPE and LC/MS-MS.

    ·   Elaboration of MSc and PhD Thesis.

    ·   Accreditation of the laboratory in cyanotoxins determination in potable and surface water by using LC/MS/MS (being the only Laboratory in Greece for that purpose).

    ·   Services for the determination of toxic organic residues in trace level.


    A. Hiskia: director (permanent researcher); T. Triantis: (quality manager); A. Tsimeli (analyst), S. Zervou, I. Dimitrakopoulos, T. Kaloudis: (adjunct scientist).


    Funded Projects   

    1.       “Development of analytical infrastructure of the Environmental Analysis Laboratory, EKEFE Demokritos”, Antagonistikotita (Ministry of Development), Coordinator Dr. Α. Hiskia, 311,3 Κ€, 2006-2008.

    2.       «Chemical analysis of air filters for the determination of Benzo(a)pyrene”, in the frame of services to PLINIOS SA, 7,31 Κ€.

    3.       “Chemical analysis of soil and water samples for the determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)”, in the frame of services to PREFECTURE of DRAMA, 3,0 Κ€.

    4.       “Chemical analysis of air filters, wood and building materials for the determination of PCBs, PAHs, pentachlorophenol, hydroquinone and benzoquinone”, in the frame of services to PLINIOS SA, 2,7 Κ€.

    5.       “Determination of odor-causing compounds in water” Research project funded by EYDAP SA, 20 Κ€, 2008-2009.



    Spectrophotometers UV-VIS-near IR, GC equipped with FID, ECD and TCD, HPLC equipped with UV-VIS and FLD, GC/MS, HPLC/MS/ΜS triple tetrapole,  ΙC, Polarographic unit, ΤΟC, SPE and SPME apparatus, oven, ultrasound bath, analytical balances, pHmeter, Rotary evaporator, ultrapure water apparatus.


    Prof. D. Dionysiou (University of Cincinnati, USA, AOP for cyonobacteria toxins destruction), Dr. Jussi Meriluoto (Abo Akademi University, Finland, Method development for the determination and identification of cyanotoxins in surface and drinking water by using SPE and LC/MS-MS), Dr. S. Lacorte (Dep. of Environ. Chem., CID-CSIC, Barcelona, Αnalytical method development), Dr. T. Kaloudis, (ΕΥDΑP, trace organic analysis in water)

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