
Lectures / Seminars

    Prof. Thomas D. Anthopoulos 

    Department of Physics and Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London, Blackett Laboratory, London, UK

    in a lecture entitled:

    "New materials and fabrication paradigms for plastic electronics"

    Department of Advanced Materials auditorium (Building #8),

    Wednesday 20th of November 2013 at 11.a.m.


    Professor Rebecca Deprez - Poulain Pr PhD MRSC


    INSERM U761 Biostructures And Drug Discovery


    Universite De Lille 2 - Pasteur Institute Lille


    “Hydroxamates as tools for the target validation of metalloproteases:

    Applications To malarial PfAM1 And human Insulin-Degrading Enzyme”


    Wednesday 30rd of October at 12:00 pm,


    IPC auditorium


    The lecture is organized by the Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety (I.N.RA.S.T.E.S.) and Dr. E. Stratikos


    29/07/2013 Opening For a PhD studentship (Greek Version)



    17/01/2014 Opening For an Experienced Researcher/Fellow for MARIE CURIE SANAD project

    29/07/2013 Opening For a PhD studentship (Greek Version)

    15/07/2012 Opening For a PhD studentship

    15/07/2012 Opening For Post Doctoral Position

    06/06/2012 Opening For Synthetic Chemistry Post Doctoral Associate

    06/06/2012 Opening For Post Doctoral Associate on Carbon Nanomaterials

    06/06/2012 Opening For Synthetic Chemistry PhD Studentship


    Intenational Workshop | 31 October - 3 November 2011
    Macromolecular crystal growth and optimisation methods

    Workshop Program



    Photochemistry and Applications in Photoactivable Anticancer Drugs

    Bologna, September 26 – 28, 2011



    October 11 of 2010 :

    The Institute of Physical Chemistry actively participates in the establishment of the European Photocatalysis Federation and the coordination of the corresponding research activities in Greece.



    The 6th Summer School on Methods in Micro-Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology will be held in Athens, Greece September 13 - 17, 2010.  

    The Summer School is co-organized by the Institutes of Physical Chemistry, Microelectronics,  Radioisotopes & Radiodiagnostic Products and Materials Science,  NCSR Demokritos, in collaboration with the Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens.

    The Summer School  is co-sponsored by the project, Marie Curie ITN CYCLON  ( )  coordinated by the  Institute of Physical Chemistry.

    Special Events


    Institute of Physical Chemistry

    Institute of Physical Chemistry

    Nanomaterial based Catalytic - Photocatalytic Processes PDF Print E-mail
    Written by Hiskia Anastasia   
    Wednesday, 06 May 2009 10:06

    Laboratory Research Personnel     

    Research Director

    Dr. Anastasia Hiskia, Research Rank A

    Group Publications

    Research Activities

    Research Facilities

    Funded Projects

    Scientific Collaborations

    Research Associates

    Dr. Theodoros Triantis


    Postdoctoral Researchers

    Dr. Christophoros Christophorides

    Dr. Theodora Fotiou

    Dr. Sofia Theodoropoulou


    Collaborating Scientists

    Dr. Elias Papaconstantinou

    Dr. Triantafyllos Kaloudis


    Current Students

    PhD Students 

    1. S. Zervou,        November 2011 - present

    Dissertation Title: "Study and determination of Cyanotoxins in water samples"


    2. K. Manolidi,      November 2014 - present

     Dissertation Title: "Method development for the analysis of cyanotoxins by liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry"


    3. I. Dimitrakopoulos,  July 2007 - present

    Dissertation Title: "Development and validation of methods for the determination of cyanotoxins in environmental samples using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry"


    M.Sc. Students 


    Former group members

    Ph.D. Students

    1. E. Androulaki,  Ph.D., Graduated 2001

    Dissertation Title: "Photocatalytic degradation of pollutants with polyoxometalates. Investigationofthedegradationmechanism" 

    2. A. Troupis,       Ph.D., Graduated 2003

                                  Dissertation Title: "Photocatalytic treatment of water systems for metal recovery and organic pollutants destruction"

    3. E. Gkika,           Ph.D., Graduated 2006

                                  Dissertation Title: "Photocatalytic destruction of organic pollutants and metal reduction in aquatic solutions in the presence of polyoxometalates"

    3. S. Antonaraki,  Ph.D., Graduated 2008

                                  Dissertation Title: "Study of the decomposition mechanism of organochlorine pollutants, photolytically in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and photocatalytically in the presence of 12-tungstophosphoric acid"

    4. P.Kormali,       Ph.D., Graduated 2009

                                  Dissertation Title: "Photocatalytic degradation of pesticides with 12-tungstophosphoric acid and titanium oxide. Comparison of degradation mechanisms"

    5. A. Tsimeli,      Ph.D., Graduated 2011

    Dissertation Title: "Development of novel analytical methods for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cyanotoxins and halogenated organic compounds"

     6. T. Fotiou,          Ph.D., Graduated 2014

    Dissertation Title: "Study of the photocatalytic decomposition of cyanotoxins using metal oxides"


    M.Sc. Students

    5. C.Nezis,                M.S., Graduated 2001

                                        Thesis Title: "Comparison of the photodegradation of lindane with polyoxometalates and TiO2"

    6. E.Gkika,                 M.S., Graduated 2001

                                        Thesis Title: "Photocatalytic decomposition of bentazone by the use of TiO2 and Polyoxometalates (PW12O40, SiW12O40)"

    7. K.Davos,               M.S., Graduated 2004

                                        Thesis Title: "Sonolytic degradation of chlorophenols in water"

    8. P.Garyfallidi,         M.S., Graduated 2006

                                        Thesis Title: "Adulteration control in aloe products"

    9. I.Chassioti,            M.S., Graduated 2007

                                        Thesis Title: "Preparation, characterization and properties of photochromic multilayer films based on polyoxometalates and polyethylenimine"

    10. A. Tsimeli,            M.S., Graduated 2008

                                        Thesis Title: "Development of a sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the determination of cyanotoxins, in surface and drinking water. Application of the proposed method in the determination of cyanotoxins in surface and drinking water of the area of Athens"

    11. G. Alexakos,        M.S., Graduated 2009

                                        Thesis Title: "Photocatalytic synthesis and characterization of selenium nanoparticles in aqueous solution"

    12. S. Antonaraki,      M.S., Graduated 2009

                                        Thesis Title: "Determination of pesticides residues in cereal products"

    13. T. Fotiou,             M.S., Graduated 2010

                                        Thesis Title: "Investigation of the photocatalytic decomposition of microcystin – LR using TiO2 materials"

    14. S.Anagnostou,    M.S., Graduated 2010

                                    Thesis Title: "Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic properties of multilayer films H4SiW12O40/polyethylenimine. Their application in self-assembling Ag nanoparticles at surfaces"

    15. S. Zervou,             M.S., Graduated 2011

    Thesis Title: "Determination of Pesticides and Cyanotoxins in water with solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry techniques (SPE, LC-MS/MS)"





    Scientific Collaborations

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